St Paul PHA to Open 3, 4 and 5 Bedroom Waiting List for Scattered Site Homes and Duplexes

The St. Paul Public Housing Agency will accept online applications for scattered site homes and duplexes with 3, 4 and 5 bedrooms from April 21, 2022 until June 20, 2022.

Applications received between 8:00 AM on April 21 through midnight on April 27, 2022 are randomly sorted, so there is no advantage to applying on the first day. 

Applications received after April 27, 2022, are sorted by the date and time received.

Maximum Gross Household Income:

  • 1 Person: $55,950
  • 2 Persons: $63,950
  • 3 Persons: $71,950
  • 4 Persons: $79,900
  • 5 Persons: $86,300
  • 6 Persons: $92,700
  • 7 Persons: $99,100
  • 8 Persons: $105,500

Apply here

Applications are not available at the PHA offices. Fax or e-mail requests are not accepted.

The PHA will not provide telephone assistance to complete an application. Applicants may use any  computer, tablet or smart-phone with internet access to apply, including free computers at public libraries.

Applicants needing a reasonable accommodation can submit a written request to the PHA’s Rental Office at:

St. Paul Public Housing Agency
555 Wabasha St N,
Suite 300
St. Paul, MN 55102

T.his is important housing information. If you do not understand it, have someone translate it for you now.

Información importante acerca de las viviendas. Si usted no lo comprende, pida a alguien que le traduzca ahora.

Qhov no yog lus tseem ceeb heev qhia txog tsev nyob. Yog tias koj tsis tau taub thov hais rau lwm tus pab txhais rau koj.

Это важная информация о жилпощади.Если Вы её не понимаете, попросите кого-нибудь сейчас перевести её Вам.

Kani waa warbixin muhiim ah ee ku saabsan guriyaha.Haddii aadan fahamsaneyn waa in aad heshaa hadeertaan qof kuu tarjumaa