Plymouth HRA Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Waiting List
Eligibility Criteria
You are eligible if you meet all of the following:
- At least one member of your household is a U.S. citizen or has legal immigration status.
- The household consists of five or less persons.
- Your gross annual household income must be less than:
2 person household - $36,200
3 person household - $40,700
4 person household - $45,200
5 person household - $48,850
Ineligibility Criteria
You are not eligible to apply for assistance if you or any adult household member:
- Has been convicted for drug-related criminal activity or violent criminal activity within the last five years.
- Has been evicted from federally-assisted housing for drug-related criminal activity within the last three years.
Application forms are only available on the city’s website at (starting at 9 am on October 7th). The application link will be located in the "News" area. Click on the announcement and the application and information sheet will be available.
Download and print the information sheet (questions & answers) and pre-application. Computers are available at public libraries if the household does not have access to a computer. No walk-ins or phone calls for applications are accepted.
How to submit your application
Applications must be postmarked no later than October 20th, 2017. Your application should ONLY be mailed via U.S. regular mail to:
Plymouth HRA
P.O.Box 47039
Plymouth, MN 55447
How it is decided who gets on the waiting list
The HRA is limiting the waiting list to 500 eligible applicants. Once the applications are received (remember, it must be postmarked no later than October 20, 2017), a lottery will determine the 500 eligible applicants (that meet the criteria above) that are placed on the waiting list.
The HRA will split the 500 randomly drawn eligible applications as follows:
- 150 – 1-bedroom eligible applicants
- 250 – 2-bedroom eligible applicants
- 100 - 3-bedroom eligible applicants
How you will know if you made it on to the list
By November 15, 2017, Plymouth HRA will only notify the 500 people that were placed on the waiting list. If you do not receive a letter by November 15, 2017, it means that your application was not selected in the lottery, and are not on the waiting list. No information will be available before November 15, 2017.
Once you get a voucher, where you have to live during the first year
Once you receive a Housing Choice Voucher, you will have to find a rental unit in the City of Plymouth and sign a one year lease. You must live in the City of Plymouth for at least one year.
Applications must be postmarked no later than October 20, 2017. No faxed, emailed or walk-in applications are accepted.
Mail your application to:
Plymouth HRA
P.O.Box 47039
Plymouth, MN 55447
This is important housing information. If you do not understand it, have someone translate it for you now.
Información importante acerca de las viviendas. Si usted no lo comprende, pida a alguien que le traduzca ahora.
Это важная информация о жилпощади. Если Вы её не понимаете, попросите кого-нибудь сейчас перевести её Вам.
Kani waa warbixin muhiim ah ee ku saabsan guriyaha. Haddii aadan fahamsaneyn waa in aad heshaa hadeertaan qof kuu tarjumaa