Scott County CDA Project Based Housing 2, 3, 4, and 5 Bedroom Project Based Housing Waiting List

Scott County CDA will accept online applications for its 2, 3, 4, and 5-bedroom Waiting List beginning May 23, 2024 at 8:00 AM and will remain open until further notice.

How to Apply

  • Applications will be accepted online only at:
  • To request a Reasonable Accommodation due to a disability related to this application, please contact the CDA Office at 952-402-9022.

What information do I need to apply?

  • A valid email address.
  • Names, Social Security numbers, and birth dates for all household members.
  • The household’s gross annual income,

What are the eligibility requirements for applying?

  • At least one family member must be a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, or non-citizen with eligible immigration status.
  • The applicant and all members of the applicant’s household must disclose the complete and accurate social security number assigned to each household member.

You must income qualify per household size.

You cannot make more money than these income limits:

  • 2 Person household: $49,700 ($4,142/month)
  • 3 Person household: $55,900 ($4,658/month)
  • 4 Person household: $62,100 ($5,175/month)
  • 5 Person household: $67,100 ($5,592/month)
  • 6 Person household: $72,050 ($6,004/month)
  • 7 Person household $77,050 ($6,421/month)
  • 8 Person household $82,000 ($6,833/month)
  • 9 Person household $86,950 ($7,246/month)
  • 10 Person household $91,950 ($7,662/month)

Household Size Requirements

2 Bedroom Unit

  • Minimum number of people in household: 2
  • Maximum number of people in household: 4

3 Bedroom Unit

  • Minimum number of people in household: 4
  • Maximum number of people in household: 6

4 Bedroom Unit:

  • Minimum number of people in household: 6
  • Maximum number of people in household: 8

5 Bedroom Unit

  • Minimum number of people in household: 8
  • Maximum number of people in houshold: 10


The following circumstances are exceptions to the household size requirements: Live-in aides will be allocated a separate bedroom, and Foster adults and foster children will be allocated a separate bedroom.

How does the CDA assign bedrooms to household members?

  • 1st Bedroom = Head of Household AND (if applicable) a Spouse or Significant Other.
  • 2nd Bedroom = Next 2 persons share a room regardless of sex, age, or relationship.
  • 3rd Bedroom = Next 2 persons share a room regardless of sex, age, or relationship.
  • 4th Bedroom = Next 2 persons share a room regardless of sex, age, or relationship.
  • 5th Bedroom = Next 2 persons share a room regardless of sex, age, or relationship.

This is important housing information. If you do not understand it, have someone translate it for you now.

Información importante acerca de las viviendas. Si usted no lo comprende, pida a alguien que le traduzca ahora.

Qhov no yog lus tseem ceeb heev qhia txog tsev nyob. Yog tias koj tsis tau taub thov hais rau lwm tus pab txhais rau koj.

Это важная информация о жилпощади. Если Вы её не понимаете, попросите кого-нибудь сейчас перевести её Вам.

Kani waa warbixin muhiim ah ee ku saabsan guriyaha. Haddii aadan fahamsaneyn waa in aad heshaa hadeertaan qof kuu tarjumaa